How can I check for myself during my measurement if everything is okay?

After taking the photo, the app shows the contours of the measured surfaces. If desired, you can zoom in on the photo to see if all the markers are good and no strange shape is displayed. Satisfied? Click ‘Accept’ and continue measuring. Not satisfied? Click ‘Try again’ and take a new photo of this step.

I start measuring. What should I pay attention to?

There are three important things to look out for:

  1. Make sure that the staircase is visible in the middle of your screen. You can easily achieve this by focusing the blue dotted line in the middle of your screen on the blue dotted line of the largest fill marker.
  2. Make sure all markers are visible in the clear frame on your phone screen
  3. Make sure that you keep the phone at the correct angle of inclination. On the right side of the screen you will see an indicator. If it is green, you can take a picture.